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Try a Cargo Bike

Why a Cargo Bike?

Cargo bikes aren’t just a weekend gimmick, they serve a real purpose. Getting in and out of Marlow is a mission, the traffic is never-ending, what should be a quick trip to the shop ends up being an hour round trip! What if I told you that it’s possible to do all the same tasks but without the car…

  • Grocery shopping
  • Commuting with luggage
  • School run

These are just a few of the things you can do on a Cargo Bike, it’s a true game changer.

Test ride our Cargo Bike for FREE

Here at Saddle Safari we have a brand new Trek Fetch+ 2 Cargo bike ready to be ridden, this is a demo bike, it’s here to be tested. That means free of charge… this isn’t all about selling new bikes, what we want more is to let YOU experience a Cargo bike for yourself and see the benefits they come with.

What’s in it for us?

It’s simple! We want more people leaving the car at home and going by bike.

Some photographs of you using it for our social media would be a bonus 🙂

What are we using it for?

I could write a very long list of things we are/will be using our Cargo bike for but rather than making you read through that why don’t you take a look at our latest video project showcasing how we have used it so far.

Written on June 6th, 2023 by Saddle Safari


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